Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Sacramento Hussar's 1859

Sacramento Hussar's 1859 Sculpted by Greg Girault for The Sacramento Hussars ordered their uniforms from a uniform supplier in Germany. The Hussars became part of the California National Guard. I painted this 1/10 scale bust with acrylic's. The photos are being used for the box art.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Musketeer Regiment Perri 1682

Musketeer Regiment Perri 1682 Army of Louis XIV 1643-1715 This bust was sculpted several years ago by Roman Rux for I painted the bust colors to Regiment Perri after finding a color print of the regiments uniform. There were several different musketeer regiments during Louis XIV reign, Regiment Lyonnais was also one of them.Regiment Perri was from Corsica.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Frederick the Great King of Prussia

Frederick the Great (24 January 1712 – 17 August 1786) ruled the Kingdom of Prussia from 1740 until 1786, the longest reign of any Hohenzollern king, at 46 years. 1/9 scale bust sculpted by Anton Derbilov, new from I painted this bust with acrylic's the photos of my painted bust will be used for the box art.