Michael Miniatures will release 10-12 new busts over the next year.The busts are based on paintings and uniforms in the Cramer Museum.
The first release due out mid June 2008 is a bust of Ernst August II King of Hannover shown in his Hannover Guard Hussar uniform.
The bust is based on the painting of the King by Carl Willhelm Friedrich Oesterley 1805-1891 the painting is signed and dated 1849.
The painting was commissioned by the King himself and hung in his palace Herrenhausen in Hannover Germany until sold by Sotheby's in 2005.
Ernst August 1771-1851 was the 5th son of King George III of England, he became King of Hannover upon the death of his brother William IV in 1837 and ruled until his death in 1851.
The Bust, shows the King and all the detail of the Hannover Guard Hussar uniform of 1849.
The King wears two breast stars The Order of St. George Hannover and the Order of the Garter England, as well as the red sash of the Order of St. George, he was a member of both of these orders.The king's left eye, wandering and set off to the left is a result of his wound at the battle of Tournai. Upon his death in 1851 his son George V became King of Hannover.
Sculpted by master sculptor Matt Springer the great detail in the bust will be a challenge even to the best modelers and painters.
Available early to mid-June 2008. Interested modelers just e-mail Michael Miniatures for information at